A Case Study: Acupuncture for the Treatment of Depression
A 35-year-old female patient, who will be referred to as "Ms. A," was diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Ms. A had been...
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs for Infertility
Case1 Female, 30 years old. PCOS IVF infertility 30 years, PCOS, only had period for 1 year. She tried 2 IVF in summer, but her uterine...
Digestive issues
Cases 1: Female, 14 ysd. Slow BM with abdomen pain for 2 years, worse recently. BM slow, take long time to empty, with abdomen pain,...
Menopause Syndrome
Case 1: Female, 48 ysd Hot flashes for 3 months. Her period was stopped 6 months ago and hot flashes started 3 months ago. It is really...
A successes case about treatment Eczema by Willa Wang Acupuncture Clinic
Interstitial Cystitis
Female, 60 years old, visitor. urgent and frequent urine with lower back pain, at least 10 times during the day and 5 times at night....
Interstitial Cystitis 2 years and flare up 2 weeks
Female, 30 yeas old Interstitial Cystitis for 2 years. Urinary urgency and burning while urinating. Caffeine, spices, stress are all...
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Syndrome
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang was first in Jin Gui Yao Lue (a classic medical book was written by Zhang Zhong Jing for treating Zang Zao, in which...
TMJ disorders (Jaw pain)
You may be experiencing jaw pain due to arthritis, jaw injury or no exact cause. You have tenderness, soreness, aching or throbbing pain...
ICBC Regulations for Acupuncture Treatment
The Province of BC has released new regulations for therapies covered by ICBC, which include acupuncture as a preferred modality. The...